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1. What are the problems of training and development that businesses face?


  • Different learning styles of employees and executives

  • Lack of employee engagement

  • Training that is not relevant

  • A dispersed workforce

  • Costs

2. How will working with you impact my company? What changes can I expect to see?


  • Increased employee engagement

  • Development of soft and hard skills among employees

  • Greater brand knowledge to both clients and workforce

  • Increased employee retention rate

  • A strong internal talent pool

3. How do you determine what training strategies my company needs to adopt?


Every company is different, which is why training has to be tailored to your specific needs. I have developed an in-depth survey that I will have your employees complete to understand their training styles, what training is currently in place, and what are the strengths and weaknesses associated with the current trainings that they're undertaking.


After the survey results are returned, I will be able to understand how effective is your L&D program, what is working and what isn't. We will have a meeting to discuss these results and define what course of action needs to be undertaken. The main goal will be to help your team develop the necessary soft and job specific skills that they need to do their job better. 

4. Will you travel to deliver in-person trainings?


Yes, of course! I offer in-person and virtual facilitation as necessary.

5. What are the most common barriers to organizational learning and training programs?


  • Program focus vs organizational focus

  • Lack of leadership

  • Resistance to change

  • Non-learning culture

6. How can companies overcome a lack of training?


  • Keep your employee's learning programs relevant to their tasks and job

  • Always think of executive and learner buy-in

  • Prioritize soft skills as much as you focus on tech skills

  • Build a culture of workplace learning

7. What are the consequences of lack of training?


One of the most visible effects of a lack of employee training is that workers become less productive when they don't know how to do their job properly.

8. What are the top 5 corporate training challenges in 2022?


  • Creating time-efficient L+D programs

  • Keeping up with workplace learning trends

  • Investing in soft skills

  • Building an internal talent pool

  • Increasing learner engagement

9. How can brand representation help my company?


Having an ambassador who represents the values of your brand at all levels, communicates a solid and clear message and generates trust in the different niches you are targeting. Some of the main benefits are:


  • Increase brand loyalty

  • Protect your reputation

  • Drive visibility

  • Share a reliable story

10. What functions will you play?


We will define my functions together, according to the needs of your company. Some of them may be:


  • Attend important events and meetings as the ambassador of the brand

  • Create content on social media sharing the benefits of the brand

  • Train your team to become informal ambassadors in their daily life


11. How are you different?


I work with your organization directly to develop customized services that will help you tackle the core problem areas. In this way, we will ensure strategies are producing measured results, all in a cost-effective manner. 

12. What is the cost?


Costs are determined on a case-to-case basis. I will work with you to figure out what your company's needs are and what is the most cost-effective solution. 

13. What forms of payment do you accept?


I currently accept payments through PayPal, wire transfer and credit card.

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